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    Air Mail is used predominantly as a shipping method ,lead times between the placement of an order and delivery are generally 1-3 days.
    In addition to Air Mail we offer DPD click for info – fast shipping service, the delivery price have to be estimated first before placing the order.
    Please note , that DPD service is available only in Europe.


    PayPal is a favourite tool for sending and receiving money online. It is one of the oldest services available

    Is PayPal secure..?

    Using PayPal might even be safer than giving your credit card number or bank account information directly to the website you’re buying from. Why? You keep that information in one place—at PayPal—instead of spreading it around everywhere you shop. If something happens, you won’t need to cancel your cards and update all of your automatic billers. You can just secure your PayPal account by changing your password or card number.

    PayPal uses SSL technology to keep your information safe. In addition, when you send a payment using PayPal, the recipient won’t receive sensitive financial information like your credit card or bank account number. This way, you don’t have to worry about paying people you don’t know.